About This Web App

Click on the menu above to choose the section of the app you would like to go to or head over to the Play Every Role website, the new home of all my RPG tools.

This app was created by Eric Bright and designed for viewing on all platforms with the help of Bootstrap 3.3.7. If you have questions, comments, requests for additional functionality, or ideas for more contracts, client names, enclaves, etc. email me at ericbright2002 followed by the @ sign and then yahoo.com. Think that will keep the Spambots still on Ubiq away?

The author of Red Markets, Caleb Stokes, did a fantastic job on this game and produced a high quality product! Please go to http://www.redmarketsrpg.com to find out more about the game. You can also order the PDF from DriveThruRPG or order the hardcover book from Indie Press Revolution.

If you're undecided about buying, take a listen to the Actual Play campaigns following The Brutalists or Fallen Flag on RPPR's Actual Play podcasts. You can also follow Caleb's thought process through designing the game on RPPR's podcast series titled Game Designer's Workshop. Everything RPPR can be found at: http://slangdesign.com/rppr/, so what are you waiting for? Go listen!

All Red Markets content is (c) 2017 by Hebanon Games and licensed under CC BY NC SA 4.0.

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